We offer bespoke solutions to all Health and Safety issues and can provide a ‘complete’ health and safety service to cover all aspects of your business be it Industrial or Office.
What's included . .
Initial Visit
An introductory visit resulting in a diagnostic overview of your requirements and, if requested, a quotation for services.
Major Health and Safety Audit
A full audit of existing systems to provide a full independent examination of your systems for Health and Safety Management compliance.
Design and Construction
A new or revised Health and Safety Management System (if required) including advice on implementation, monitoring and review.
Comprehensive Documentation
All the documentation you need including health and safety policy statement, organisation and arrangements and Employee Health and Safety Handbooks to promote a positive health and safety culture throughout the organisation through communication, co-operation and competence.
Working Documents
Creation of, or assistance with, Risk Assessments, Method Statements and Safety Systems of Work; for example:
- Fire
- Noise
- Manual Handling
- Display Screen Equipment
- Transport / Pedestrian Interface
- Working at Height
- Personal Protective Equipment
- any other specialised Risk Assessments as required specifically by your business
Compliance and Legislation
Advice on compliance with relevant legislation including:
- Fire
- Gas Safety
- Electricity of Work
- Pressure Systems
- Storage of Flammable Liquids
- Confined Spaces
- any other legislation that specifically applies to your business
Regular Updates on Legislation and New Developments in Health & Safety through personal contact, bulletins and quarterly newsletter to ensure you are kept informed, up to date and legally compliant.
Employee Communication
Health and Safety Communication initiatives with employees, for example, setting up Safety Committees and attending meetings if required.
Qualified and Experienced Consultants
You will have a dedicated consultant to ensure consistency of approach and individual attention to your specific needs.
An annual plan of routine inspections and visits with reports to help you monitor health and safety compliance with your own systems.
Responsive Support
Office hours Telephone and email support plus 24/7 telephone support and advice for a safety emergency or accident
Clients decide on the level of service required and spread the cost through monthly payments. There are no hidden extras.
contact us to discuss your individual requirements.